Wednesday, May 4, 2011


im staying in providence right now working at CIRCUIT BMX while vic and cara take care of their new born baby sophia

the shop is sick and full of everything so come and hang out with me.
the address is 
33exchange street

also come to find out its not that weird to eat your placenta after you have a baby. my friend jill sent me some great placenta recipes for cara to take a look at. i would roast that thing on a grill and eat it.
basically when you give birth you can loose alot of blood and eating the placenta will give you alot of nutrients.

the critics have spoke!!!

"When I asked what it tasted like they said it tasted like Filet Mignon. No joke. -calvinsmom

I believe long ago when a mother lost alot of blood the placenta gave her a boost of nutrition and nurishment. -nursing mother

It is the only peice of meat you can eat that you don't have to kill to do so.... -Augustine

Yummy! I ate some of mine. I heard about the benefits so I did cook it and it was very good. -Chanda

Dig in!

seriously though...check out this website

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