in a world where people spend their lives trying to get "ahead", it might be more important to get "behind".
it finally got hot up here in the north east. fortunately, it comes and goes, and in a few days it will drop from the mid to high 90's and go back to the 80's. jake and i decided to take a bike ride on the bike path that goes from providence rhode island to bristol rhode island. i always enjoy doing things that arent lazy or expensive.
the whole trip ended up being almost 50 miles. i love taking pictures of people cruising on bikes. i love how everything gets a little blurry except the person. and jakes bike is such a nice blue. its easy on the eyes.
this spot was kinda funny. its in a town called "barrington". this building had tire marks on every corner of it. all the way around. and the fact that someone went out of their way to spray paint the word "beast" on the wall , makes it that much better. i love this spot

but the town of barrington sucks. for some reason people that live there seems to think they need to tell you they are from there. people from barrington are the only people that come into the bike shop and always say " we are from barrington". like i care if they live in a richy rich neighborhood in barrington rhode island or a dumpster right here in pawtucket. even people that arent from barrington try to find ways to associate themselves with that shit pit. one lady bought a bike from someone that lived there and she brought it in to get it fixed and said "the guy we bought this from lives in barrington". like their status just went up 2 clicks because they bought something from someone that lives there. the guys probably get their suits altered at the barrington tailors. more like nerd-ville.
barrington sucks
but i would be lying if i said i didnt enjoy pedaling through those towns looking at all the shidiots and their sailboats.
there was one point along the trip that i will remember for a long time. jake and i were cruising the path and looked over and saw 2 grass rollers on the other side of this field. we looked at each other and both were thinking the same thing. " you wanna cut through that field and ride those grass hills?" "yepp!"
it seems stupid and not really a big deal, but the fact that 2 grown men went out of their way and walked their bikes through a big field just to drop into a stupid downhill to uphill a couple times, is funny.
we had a blast on that thing. we ripped it like 5 times. jake even caught a little air on his bike.
really really really stoked on this picture.
the bike path ends in a little ocean town called bristol. the town was crazy. some older people brought lawn chairs to the corner of down town and were just hanging out on the corner under a big tree. i wanted to hang out with them all day.
this crazy looking elvis impersonator drove by with surfboards on his roof. so we chased him down and talked to him because he looked interesting. you should have heard the stories he told us just in the 5 minutes we got to talk to him. this particular picture was taken while he was telling us a story about a birth defect he had with one of his hips, and about vietnam. we only talked to him for 5 minutes.
what a perfect way to enjoy the day. i love bicycles and summer and friends.