Thursday, June 5, 2008

random stuff

i drove by the field today (the one that the all stars handed us our ass on)and they were mowing its gonna be super dialed for this coming tuesday..that was alot of and tito have been busting our humps out at the den getting some stuff running good and building some new stuff..and i heard its gonna be some great weather this weekend so we are gonna camp out at the trails...i bought my tent today and its perfect and it was only 20 frog skins..briggs gave me a poop load of pics from the trails and the parade and stuff...ive been so busy i havent been able to go through them but hopefully tonight and then ill have a bunch of pics to post tonight..also this thursday kevin robinson is gonna try and break hoffmans height record on a vert ramp out in new york city...i really wanna go out there and see that...he could die and ive never acctually seen anyone die in person so i think im gonna go..trails are the best and so are steep landings and lips..the trails are getting a face lift right now and its gonna make people piss themselves...i think me and tito might have figured out how to build a dirtjump finally...we'll have to see..

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