adam guilliams is awesome
fbm bmx
i like him
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
memory sticks
i finally got a new memory card today and i am i went slalom skiing and i had so much fun.. i had never done it before.. its hilarious.. chuck video taped me going by him.. awesome fun

its funny how me getting a bike from crandall made kids in this town get siked on fbm.. i have to say thanks again to him for the bike.. today i was at the park and a couple kids came over and started talking to me about how they saw pics of me on the fbm site and i asked them if they always checked out the site and they said no that they just started when i started riding that frame. and all theyre friends talk about fbm now because of it..they will all be riding fbms by next year im gonna make them :).. i gotta make crandall his money back on the frame he gave me..
theres this kid xavier in this town who loves anything that says fit bike co on it .. it bums me out because that company sucks.. yea they have the dialed riders and those guys are cool but i just dont know how people can support a company that doesent care about fun..chuck told me the other day that fit bike co is 10% of the bmx industry..thats crazy.. and they seriously dont do shit for bmx.. chuck was acctually talking to the guy who owns kink bike co and they were both talking about how cool it is that a company like fbm puts on all these events for bmx and they are all about fun and they are just a small piece of the industry and a company like fit who is so big doesent give a shit.. water skiing is awesome.. fit sucks
its funny how me getting a bike from crandall made kids in this town get siked on fbm.. i have to say thanks again to him for the bike.. today i was at the park and a couple kids came over and started talking to me about how they saw pics of me on the fbm site and i asked them if they always checked out the site and they said no that they just started when i started riding that frame. and all theyre friends talk about fbm now because of it..they will all be riding fbms by next year im gonna make them :).. i gotta make crandall his money back on the frame he gave me..
theres this kid xavier in this town who loves anything that says fit bike co on it .. it bums me out because that company sucks.. yea they have the dialed riders and those guys are cool but i just dont know how people can support a company that doesent care about fun..chuck told me the other day that fit bike co is 10% of the bmx industry..thats crazy.. and they seriously dont do shit for bmx.. chuck was acctually talking to the guy who owns kink bike co and they were both talking about how cool it is that a company like fbm puts on all these events for bmx and they are all about fun and they are just a small piece of the industry and a company like fit who is so big doesent give a shit.. water skiing is awesome.. fit sucks
colder weather
Saturday, August 29, 2009
white lightning
last year my friends and i decided to start having a bunch of different theme parties.. we did a flannel party and a duct tape party and a party where everyone dressed up in suits and dresses.. it was all good times for sure..
the first party that we had decided to do was for christmas.. we thought it would be a good idea to crank the woodstove all day until the house was like 100 degreees and there was a foot of snow outside,, and have a beach christmas party where everyone wore bathingsuits.. it was a good time.. chuck and i started a band called white lightning and it was our first show.. no one really payed any attention to us but we played some shows since then and we had a ton of people watching.. it is always fun.. this is a picture from that first night of us rocking hard to no fans.. good times

the first party that we had decided to do was for christmas.. we thought it would be a good idea to crank the woodstove all day until the house was like 100 degreees and there was a foot of snow outside,, and have a beach christmas party where everyone wore bathingsuits.. it was a good time.. chuck and i started a band called white lightning and it was our first show.. no one really payed any attention to us but we played some shows since then and we had a ton of people watching.. it is always fun.. this is a picture from that first night of us rocking hard to no fans.. good times
Thursday, August 27, 2009
hectic week
i left friday to go to richmond virginia for a bicycle contest on a jump over the worlds biggest plate of nachos.. i still dont have a memory stick for my camera so i couldnt take any pictures.. it sucks.. but the contest was crazy and such a good time.. thank you mr c..i just saw a video of the mayhem on the fbm site so i posted it below.
Monday, August 24, 2009
nacho jump off
spent the weekend in richmond virginia at the nacho jump off.. i have a bunch of pictures but i have to get the camera from chuck.. check out the fbm site to see some random pictures he took. it doesent do it any justice but it was an insane weekendfbm
Friday, August 21, 2009
road trippin
aug 20th ron pauls b day......mine too
this is awesome

people always say stuff about me being a republican because i am a ron paul fan.. this sums it up perfectly.. just a normal dude talking about fixing the bullshit that our goverment has been doing for years..i dont wanna be preachy about politics because i know how boring it is to read, and annoying.. but president obama sucks big time

people always say stuff about me being a republican because i am a ron paul fan.. this sums it up perfectly.. just a normal dude talking about fixing the bullshit that our goverment has been doing for years..i dont wanna be preachy about politics because i know how boring it is to read, and annoying.. but president obama sucks big time

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
i love dogs
this is a picture of zachs dog "olivia".. shes adorable and i love her

and this is hilarious

and this is hilarious
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
fbm bikes
check out this post mr c did.. he threw a few pictures from our new england trip and a picture of evan doing a garret byrnes impersonation.. also its got the flyer info for the nacho jumpoff..a box jump jumping over the worlds biggest plate of nachos..i will be there bailing and landing face first into those things... click here
“The very existence of flame throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.” -George Carlin
“The very existence of flame throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.” -George Carlin
Monday, August 17, 2009
loss of memory
i still dont have a memory stick for my camera.. it sucks.. hopefully i will have some loot soon to get a new one..
i came home from my trip and my landlord had this picture as his backround on his computer.. its awesome.. its a picture of my roommate and i riding a sweet tandem bike up a hill

have fun all the time.. even when your riding a shitty tandem bike up a hill
watch this skate video if you like fun
i came home from my trip and my landlord had this picture as his backround on his computer.. its awesome.. its a picture of my roommate and i riding a sweet tandem bike up a hill

have fun all the time.. even when your riding a shitty tandem bike up a hill
watch this skate video if you like fun
will i be here??? yes i will
Saturday, August 15, 2009
rope swings
books on wheels
my good friend "mr. c" gave me his lady friends email to ask her about purchasing a mini school bus and she emailed me back and i happened to notice that she had a quote at the end of her email that just said
i like it!!
check out her website books on wheels to see awesome pictures like this one

"live every week, like its shark week"-tracey morgan
i like it!!
check out her website books on wheels to see awesome pictures like this one
symmetric brand
a while back lino started a clothing company called "ember".. it was sweet and then someone bought the rights and he had to change the name.. he started a company called "mass transit" wich was awesome.. we did a trip to miami and went to the topless beach everyday.. it was great.. we filmed a video part for a "shook" video called rough draft.. after that... someone bought the rights to mass transit and yet again lino had to change the name of the company..he changed it to symmetric.. it lasted like a month and i acctually never even ended up getting one of the shirts unfortunately but he did film this little edit for the website back in the day.. it was a fun time.. i like watching this video once in a while because it reminds me of the good old days riding bikes all over new england with dan in the geo.. riding bikes is awesome
eric hennessey/symmetric commercial from erichennessey on Vimeo.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
24 hrs
got to the skatepark at 930 yesterdasy morning.. we were there until 1am this morning and the cops came and were huge ass holes and kick us out really mean like.. but all in all it was a really fun day.. we filmed soo much amazing stuff and everyone stepped up theyre game and did stuff they have never done before.. i really enjoyed myself and im kinda bummed that we got kicked out.. unfortunately i lost my memory card to my camera so i have to buy a new one tonight so i couldnt take any pictures.. but jordan is in the process of making a video with all the clips we filmed.. i cant wait to see it.. check back for pictures of stuff...
we have a block party in danielson connecticut this saturday.. its right down town and we are going to be doing some demos on the should be a good time... im having fun
see ya
we have a block party in danielson connecticut this saturday.. its right down town and we are going to be doing some demos on the should be a good time... im having fun
see ya
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
24 hr fun fest
i got home tonight and found out that tomorrow at 10 A.M. is the start of a 24 hr jam at the skatepark in town.. its such an awesome idea..
basically jordan and friends made a list of 24 different rideable objects in the skatepark.. everyone has to stay there for 24 hrs and film a trick on one object every hour.. your not allowed to leave but you can have someone bring you stuff twice throughout the 24 hours..
as soon as chuck told me about it i was soo siked.. im totally in and i cant bags are already packed!!.here is some pictures of our local skatepark

basically jordan and friends made a list of 24 different rideable objects in the skatepark.. everyone has to stay there for 24 hrs and film a trick on one object every hour.. your not allowed to leave but you can have someone bring you stuff twice throughout the 24 hours..
as soon as chuck told me about it i was soo siked.. im totally in and i cant bags are already packed!!.here is some pictures of our local skatepark
old school
i just watched this video chuck made while he came to visit us in florida this winter.. i love this video.. its so much fun.. i like all the videos chuck makes acctually.. chuck thank you for making videos.. i cant tell you how many times i have gone back and re watched all the ones you have made..check this video out to see some sweet aerial stunts.. heelclicker included
FUN at Casselberry trails from CHUCK GOLDY on Vimeo.
Monday, August 10, 2009
ct bmx
chuck just built this awesome spine, to set up for demos and stuff for the shop.

i havent seen it in person yet but we used to have one back in the day and it was the funnest thing ever.. i cant wait to ride it.. i think this weekend is a cookout in danielson and the ramp is going to be there so i am going to head down there and do some shredding
i havent seen it in person yet but we used to have one back in the day and it was the funnest thing ever.. i cant wait to ride it.. i think this weekend is a cookout in danielson and the ramp is going to be there so i am going to head down there and do some shredding
Sunday, August 9, 2009
final trip map

this is a week late but i guess i never officially finished my map from the road trip debbie and i went on..i got so busy when i got back home that i never had time to update it.. this is officially the route we took..i couldnt have asked for a better trip.. everyone should check out the world.. our country is a small part of whats out there and i cant wait to see the rest
got to go home for one day after a long road trip and then left for an FBM road trip.. i headed out on monday to meet up with the team in northampton massachussetts.i got to manchester tuesday morning and got a ride to northampton on wendsday afternoon.. i met some local kids that were pretty cool.. dez,arron,max,and brian.. brians family was really nice and they had some awesome dogs..i love dogs.. they let me camp out in theyre back yard around a campfire

the next day we woke up and headed to the bike shop and met all the locals and i met up with everyone for the trip.. we rode the bowl and garret and adam were airing into the clouds.. then we went camping and there was mosquitos.

been on the road for the last few days riding a bunch of spots.. we road vic and zacks trails and they were crazy good.. the pictures do them no justice

the trips done and now im with the family for the next few days.. awesome times with awesome friends... thanks again mr. c for the good times and the bike.. i made some good friends on this trip and i cant wait to do more..
things are hectic right now so its hard for me to make some posts but hopefully in the next few days things will cool down for a bit and ill have some time to post some stuff from the road
the next day we woke up and headed to the bike shop and met all the locals and i met up with everyone for the trip.. we rode the bowl and garret and adam were airing into the clouds.. then we went camping and there was mosquitos.
been on the road for the last few days riding a bunch of spots.. we road vic and zacks trails and they were crazy good.. the pictures do them no justice
the trips done and now im with the family for the next few days.. awesome times with awesome friends... thanks again mr. c for the good times and the bike.. i made some good friends on this trip and i cant wait to do more..
things are hectic right now so its hard for me to make some posts but hopefully in the next few days things will cool down for a bit and ill have some time to post some stuff from the road
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