Tuesday, February 22, 2011

PR beach fire: how to

the perks of the beach fire is that there is always palm leaves around..if your hanging out with "the party squirrel"

and your trying to light a grill to cook burgers at the skatepark... the palm leaf is an amazing fire starter

but this is about the beach fire.. many important steps.. 
step one- find a beach (good to search in the day because its usually full of women)

step 2 -  go back at night and dig your hole 

step 3 -  collect a few pieces of wood...

step 4 - have clint start the fire (palm leaves)

step whatever - make sure carlos is there in your straw hat.

have a party and swim in the huge waves in the dark.. fear for your life then sit next to the fire naked to dry off. sitting next to fires is an amazing way to enjoy time with your friends.. i dont know why. but some of my favorite times with friends has been sitting around fires with them.

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