Thursday, February 17, 2011

alex magallan defgrip puerto rico

i dont ever look at bmx websites.unless they are my friends sites, and its just to see what they are up to. i have checked out the DEFGRIP website 2 times. once a few months back to check out a photo gallery from the T-! Anthem premiere that my friend cody did. and today to check out a photo gallery from when alex was here in puerto rico.
   The 2 times i looked at the site i scrolled down on the first page and thought "wow this site is awesome".  although i am not really interested in whats going on in bmx, or the hot new web video from some random dude i have never heard of doing the same old 360 stair drops and probably wont look at it again until my friends tell me about something they put up on there. i still suggest checking it out if thats the type of stuff your into. its just "the come up" but they dont just post stuff they take from other websites.

anyway... go check out alex's photo feature from puerto rico and see a bunch of photos he took of everyone while he was here. theres some gems but maybe i just like it because its memories for me


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