this weekend was really awesome. we went to binghamton new york for a bmx contest called brawlin at the belmar.. it was insane. after the contest we went to bakers acres and rode some dubbs.. it was a great weekend..i took a bunch of pictures but i lost my camera.. im really upset about it because i use that thing everyday to take pics of the things my friends and i do. i like to post everything on here so i can go back and look at stuff we do.. unfortunately its gonna be a bit of time before i can afford to get a new one so i dont know what im going to do..its a bummer!!
fortunately my friend clint took some pictures and posted them on his site so im gonna steal a few from him..thanks clint

we saw clint and derek broken down on the side of the road.. fortunately where they broke down was a beautiful site.. we stopped and gave them moral support for a few minutes

i didnt know i could do table tops like this and im staring at the camera and dont remember anyone taking this picture.. im siked

ryan herbach was there killing it.. he came to town today and hung out with his friend eric for the day.. we rode some bikes and it was a blast

nac nac attack
thank you vic for bringing me.. i had a great time..thank you mr c for puttng on sweet events, thank you everyone i talked to through out the weekend,everyone was awesome and made it even better, thank you kelly baker and family for having us at the acres.. it was a fun time for sure.. im really siked on fun .....and dogs