2 months ago he found out he had something in his lung which turned out to be cancer and they had to remove a big chuck of one of his lungs.. i guess its kinda crazy to think i always thought he was in destructible
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
my pops
its crazy because growing up i think i always thought my dad was a super hero.. i remember throughout my school years i had to write more than one paper on someone that i looked up to and every single time i picked my dad.
2 months ago he found out he had something in his lung which turned out to be cancer and they had to remove a big chuck of one of his lungs.. i guess its kinda crazy to think i always thought he was in destructible

2 months ago he found out he had something in his lung which turned out to be cancer and they had to remove a big chuck of one of his lungs.. i guess its kinda crazy to think i always thought he was in destructible
Saturday, December 26, 2009
i got a new camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you everyone for my new camera.. im so excited i can take pictures again.. to celebrate getting a camera i took a picture of my dogs at my dads house on christmas.. here they are
and because i love these dogs so much i decided to get tattoos of them on my arm getting held by an octopus wearing snorkels.. long live hailey and holly!!!
Monday, December 21, 2009
welcome 2 pittsburgh

if you havent seen the newest welcome to pittsburgh you should see it.. its really awesome and the name of it sums it up perfectly "this is fun".. and it is fun.. soo check it out and you can buy it on theyre website.. its worth every cent
Saturday, December 19, 2009
barn sessions part one
i have a mini ramp in my barn for skateboarding in the winter... and guess what?? its winter.
so here is the first installment of "barn session" with me and my friends skating the ramp.. this one has me and my friend jordan having some fun to some awesome rod stewart action.. skateboarding is so much funnn
so here is the first installment of "barn session" with me and my friends skating the ramp.. this one has me and my friend jordan having some fun to some awesome rod stewart action.. skateboarding is so much funnn
Barn Session 1 from jordan vieira on Vimeo.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
this saturday!!!

i just saw this picture on chucks website with this wrote under it
Keepin it goin with movie days at the shop, and tryin to get these kids to understand that BMX is more then low tuck no-handers down stairs and whip to whip to whip to whips..... We are all gettin together to watch "RAD" on Sat. at 3. I burned it onto DVD today, so stop on in for some more bmxUcation at the shop this Radurday at 3!!! wheeeew, gnarly.
i just remember crews friend jumping out of the woods and hitting a car and saying "wheeew gnarly" in a funny voice.. chuck nailed it
Saturday, December 12, 2009
i love the internet sometimes
a few years ago tito and myself had some trails called "the wolf den" we used to listen to this radio station called "the wolf" wich was kind of awesome..
it was an oldies station that played dialed music and everytime the song "sunday bloody sunday" came on tito would talk about the trails section from the old video shutter speed that he used to have but lost years ago.. we havent seen the video part in years and were always so bummed we didnt have the video anymore.. well today i love the internet because i signed on and saw this beautiful masterpiece.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
the sequal
when i was driving around the country with my friend debbie i read a whole bunch of books.. right at the end of the trip i started reading an old classic that i had never read before, that everyone has heard of "the adventures of tom sawyer".
i figured i should read the classics and that book came out in 1876 so it deffinitly falls under the classics category.
another book everyone has heard of that i had never read when i was younger and hated reading.it came out in 1884 so thats a classic .. 100 years before i was born..

when i finished reading it i decided to read the sequal "the adventures of huckelberry finn".

anyway.. i just finished reading it tonight and im siked.. reading is alot better than i thought..
Monday, December 7, 2009
my room mates are riding theyre bicycles from st augustine florida to san diego california to try to raise money for a charity for autism..they have some really great sponsors and they are all getting super siked for the trip
left to right... matt wolf, mitch wolf, and tito wolf
they started a blog to keep track of theyre travels along the way.. they arent leaving for the trip until the 29th of january but expect to see me posting about them along the way to try and help them out.. its for a great cause and you should check it out if you can
the website is AUTISMRIDES.COM
i also posted the link on the top so everyone can check it out easily.. stay trashy
Sunday, December 6, 2009
rochester new york
last october kink bikes had a contest in rochester new york.. chuck,dan ,shawn,ryan,and myself drove out there to have a really sweet time. and we did.. some friends rode really good in the contest and the party times were through the roof.i was just looking through chucks pictures.. alot of wich i havent seen and thought i would share some of them.

chuck told me that he was in chris' phone as "hand cuff chuck".. and now i know why ..

also dan was trying to learn back flips from bed to bed and i found this picture.. and laughed my ass off
kink should have more contests like that.. that was a really fun weekend
Friday, December 4, 2009
Saturday is Funday.

Just one week away, Sat. Dec. 12th at 3 pm. Come down to ctbmx to party FBM style. We are gonna eat some pizza, drink some cold ones, watch "I love my bicycle, the story of FBM" and then have a backyard ramp sesh. Bring your bike and a smile it's gonna be FUN!!
I usually don't post shop stuff on this site, but this ones worth it. see you all there, Chuck
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The last nice day...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
happy holidays chuck
the thing has a sweet frame badge that has the number stamped into it .. pretty awesome..
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