this is biiiig news...i asked owners of
circuit bmx if they could ask their dog cubby a couple of questions that everyone has been dying to know...and this is what she had to say
1). name , age , sex
Cubby or Cubs, 8, female
2).what is your favorite thing to do?
I like to hang out at the Cumby trails, or just go for walks in the woods. I also like eating dandelions, and chasing moths, and making nests out of blankets.
3).do you or have you ever had a b/f or g/f?
Well, I'm still a virgin. I kinda have a crush on Trevor. He's like 12 years old, is partially blind and has a limp. He ignores me but that makes him even hotter. I hear you have some dachshund connections, can you hook a girl up?
4).what is your favorite food?
I'll pretty much eat anything that doesn't come in a package like broccoli, avocado and chicken, and meat right off the grill. I also like food that I can find on walks like dandelions, raspberries and shellfish.
5).where is your favorite place to travel?
I like going to my mom and dad's parent's houses, and to visit my buddy Maxwell in NY. Day trips to the beach are cool too. My Mom tries to take me places on her bike but I can't stand that either.
6).where is one place you would like to visit that you have never been before?
I've heard great things about the Wolf's Den trails. I'd like to walk on the landings and hang out at the fireplace.
7).what is your favorite tv show or movie?
All movies are good because when they're on, that means I'm cuddling with mom and dad.
8).do you chase your tail?
I just started recently. It's so hard not to cuz I can see it. Don't you chase yours?
9).did you ever get to see the little itty bitty baby foxes that were at prov park?
I Yes, one day VIc and I were walking up the trail behind the skatepark and they were right there. I didn't notice them until I was about ten feet away, and then right when I did, Vic picked me up. The babies were way bigger than me.
10).who would you like to thank?
The trailsrule blog for being awesome, my Dad for his awesome hugs and for taking me to the trails, and my Mom for taking me on bike rides and walks all the time.
thanks cubby for anwsering these rock...and about the connections with my dogs....they are females too...sorryyyy