Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Books in Memphis

Books I have read or am reading since I have been in Memphis. And I'm gonna say that the people who wrote "why so many gods?", was an idiot. Here's what he uses as proof that god exists(which I'm sure you Jesus lovers will love)
"god, by definition, is perfect. Or, god, in order to be god, must be perfect. In order to be perfect, he has to be perfect at everything. That means he has to be perfect at existence. SO! In order for god to be god, He has to exist! God couldn't have started the world then disappeared. Because god is perfection. He must exist.".

I'm really trying to be open minded about all this, but you have to be kidding me right?


  1. Open Minded? Don't kid yourself, you are about as close minded as they come. I will pray for you =)

  2. I'm as closed minded about there being a god as you are about there not being a god

